Punishment Appeal Guide
Before Appealing:
Please understand that you are not guaranteed a pardon for your punishment. Your appeal will be accepted or rejected based on our private appeal criteria, or the sole discretion of staff in rare cases. If you are appealing a fair punishment that is 30 days or longer in length, you will need to have been punished for 1 week minimum before being able to have your appeal processed. The only exceptions to this rule are Compromised Account punishments and Inappropriate Name/Skin/Cape punishments. Failure to follow these directions may result in your appeal being cancelled or rejected instantly. With that out of the way, you need to figure out a few things:
- Where were you punished? (E.g. In Game? Forums? Discord?)
- Why were you punished? (E.g. Hacking? Bypassed filter? Compromised?)
- What's your in-game name/username? (E.g. Lunamwahmwah)
- Why do you deserve to be unpunished?
Now the first three questions are pretty straight forward. But make sure you get them right because if you can't get the first three questions correct, it shows how little effort that you are putting into your appeal. This can lead to your appeal being cancelled or rejected right away.
Filling out the form:
A detailed explanation of the questions will be provided below. But essentially, we are looking for a direct and brief answer for questions with a single line of answer space, and detailed answer in a multi-line answer space. Where are you punished?
- If you are Network Banned, select In-Game Java/PC
- Otherwise select the correct platform that is applicable to your punishment. (E.g. Forums, Discord, etc)
Which account are you appealing for?
- For in-game bans, provide your latest in-game name; Please also connect to either solara.gg so that we can look up your punishment history by your latest IGN. You won't be able to login but your IGN will be refreshed in our database.
- For Discord, provide preferably your Discord ID or (less preferably) your latest username with the numbers in the end and your discord id. (E.g. @lunamwahmwah // 1057312650381504543)
- For Forums, provide the link to your profile. (E.g. https://solara.gg/u/growlyx)
What were you punished for?
- Simply state the punishment reason. No extra explanation needed. E.g. [THOR] 123456789
- The punishment reason will be provided for you on most platforms. If you are banned in-game, the reason will be provided on the login screen. If you are muted in-game, the reason will be provided when you attempt to chat. Therefore you should not enter "I don't know" for this question. The only exception being if you were manually banned from Discord.
Do you agree that this is a fair punishment?
- Simply answer "Yes" if you agree with the punishment and "No" if you disagree with the punishment in accordance with the Punishment Guidelines.
- This question is not designed to ask you if you agree with your punishment duration. The punishment duration is calculated automatically by the punishment system based on past punishment history and our staff have no input on it whatsoever.
Have you been punished in the same category before? If so, please link us your accepted appeal if there are any.
- You will answer "Yes" if you have been punished in the same category before. For example, if you are currently banned for [Valkyrie] 123456789 (which is hacking), and you have been banned for any sort of hacking offense before, whether that be flying or killaura, you will answer "Yes".
- If you have successfully appealed for your punishment before, please link us your accepted appeal.
- You can elaborate on why a similar punishment occurred if you stated yes. (Optional)
Why should we revoke your punishment?
- Please provide us with a detailed explanation on why we should pardon your punishment.
- Include any evidence to support your claim. Check out what are valid evidences below.
- Check out the instructions for appealing a Compromised Account below
- Check out the instructions for appealing a Inappropriate Name/Skin/Cape below
Use this соdе to show that you have read through the Punishment Appeal Guide: coconut2021 *Compromised Account/Bot Spam*
You will need to appeal for compromised account when one (or more) condition is met:
- Your punishment reason includes Compromised Account (including abbreviated form) or Bot Spam. (E.g. Bot Spam #2271, Severe Advertisement [Comp Acc])
- You suspect that your account was used by someone else
- You received an email from Mojang indicating your account had suspicious activity
- If we tell you to re-appeal because your account was compromised
To properly appeal for an un-migrated compromised account, you will need to provide us with two screenshots: 1) we need to know that you own the account; and 2) we need to know you have changed your password. Screenshot 1 - Proof of username/Microsoft name matching
Screenshot 2 - Proof of password change
Screenshot 3 - Proof of email/Microsoft name matching All screenshots should be provided under "Why should we revoke your punishment", and your password should be changed no longer than 1 month ago. If the punishment is received less than 1 month ago, your password needs to be changed less than this time period. Compromised Account punishments are considered justified punishments. However, you are not required to wait the 1 week minimum before appealing this punishment.
You may have a Compromised Account punishment appealed 3 separate times, separately from any other justified punishments you may appeal. *Inappropriate Name/Skin/Cape*
If you were punished for inappropriate name/skin/cape, simply change the offending name/skin/cape and then submit an appeal. You are not required to wait the 1 week minimum before appealing this punishment.
If you disagree with the inappropriate name punishment, please discuss this with Management. Mangement have the final say in regards to inappropriate names.
If you were punished for an inappropriate Labymod cape, you will need to attach an image of your cape when appealing.