Network Punishment Guidelines


Welcome to the Solara Public Punishment Guidelines! These are the rules that we have on the Solara Minecraft server, and a brief description of what they are. Please be sure to check back frequently for document updates!


The Solara In-Game Java Edition, and Discord rules are managed by our Rules Committee team (Feel free to message them with any questions or concerns):

Profile LinkRole
LunaRC Admin
EtelRC Member
YTRarooRC Member



Enforcement of the rules is decided by the individual staff member, and may vary case by case depending on context and intent. If you suspect a staff member is abusing their power or punishing incorrectly then please gather evidence and submit a support ticket at

Rules and punishments are subject to change at any time at the discretion of the Admin Team / Rules Committee. Playing on the server means that you acknowledge the rules and agree to abide by them to continue playing uninterrupted. Trying to circumvent/”loophole” the rules is not allowed, and any attempt to do so may be met with the punishment you attempted to loophole.

Punishment times are determined by the system (not staff members), and depending on previous offenses, the punishment time may increase. Generally the punishment time will automatically increase with every severity.


We have three additional systems of punishments that will result in your punishment reason ending in [SR], [PR], or [CCC].


  • [SR] or “Staff Report” means that you were punished by a Trainee, a Trial Moderator, who does not have access to the higher (and longer) punishment severities, and who submitted a “Staff Report” to their Staff Management Mentor to have them look over the evidence and determine if it was correct, then bump the punishment to the proper duration if it does match the requirements of Severity 2 and higher punishments.
  • [PR] or “Player Report” means you were punished by one of our Reports Team members from a Player-submitted report. The punishment description will generally not include a detailed description of what you’ve done since we have the evidence saved. This is intentional.
  • [CCC] or “Content Creator Council” means that you were punished by a member of the Content Creator Council which moderates Youtubers / Streamers while they play. The punishment issued may be more severe than normal, this is intentional.


      Chargeback | Unauthorized Purchases

As outlined in our Terms of Service document , “All sales are final, you may not buyback, stop, credit the server by any means necessary in order to receive your funds back that of which have been paid. And in doing so we reserve the right to disallow your continued play on the server/forums and not allow further funds to be added or taken away. We reserve the right to pursue any legal or collection action necessary to recover damages in the event of a forced charge-back.

For information on your Chargeback / Unauthorized Purchases ban, or for steps to see if you are able to reverse the ban please fill out a Support Ticket at:


      Account Security | Compromised Accounts

Account security is your responsibility, you should never share your account to anyone for any reason. If you choose to ignore this warning and share your account anyways, you accept all responsibility if your account gets punished for any reason including but not limited to Blacklists, Network Bans, Compromised Account Bans, etc. Make sure to always have a strong and unique password for all of your accounts, and security questions that people cannot guess or find related to you anywhere on the internet..

The usage of accounts that you have not purchased yourself from is very likely to lead to your main account being marked as a compromised account and banned. Any alterative accounts purchased from other websites are compromised / stolen accounts, and we do not allow the usage of those on our Network, and you take responsibility if you are punished in connection to using them.


Recent Updates

*Within the last 6 or so months


Chat Offences

For all Severity 1 Chat Offences (unless otherwise specified), you will be verbally warned and assigned a paper warning together. If you already have a previous warning or mute in the past month from the time of punishment for the same offence, no warning is necessary and you will be muted. However, if there is no previous warning/mute in the past month, you are required to be warned before being muted.


For all Severity 2, 3, and 4 Chat Offences no warning is to be given. You will be instantly muted if you break a Severity 2+ Chat Offence.






Spamming or flooding the chat. Using excessive capital letters. Trying to enforce the rules on others in an annoyingly spammy way (including hackusation: accusing someone of hacking)


Report rule breakers at or through /report 

Severity 1

Inappropriate Behaviour

Talking or joking about inappropriate subjects that make others uncomfortable.

Severity 1


Rioting for / against a particular issue, decision, or other topics in a way that disturbs the general environment of the server (creating unnecessary drama).

Severity 1

*No warning

General Rudeness

Being rude to other players or arguing with other players (generally in a hostile manner). Respectful disagreement on topics of debate or discussion is generally allowed as long as it does not get heated.

Severity 1

Filter Bypass / Severe Vulgarity

*Examples of words filtered here!

Using these words in public chat or anywhere else we allow chat is punishable as a bypass.

Malicious intent isn’t a requirement to be punished for this offence. Do not bypass any words for any reason, or you may be punished for doing so.


Finding a way to use non-severe words that are filtered, or that should be.


Some LGBQT+ words are filtered, we are not anti LGBQT+, however we have done this to:

1. Protect those people from harassment/abusive behavior, and 2. Prevent the discussion of sexuality within the server where the main audience is children, to protect them from malicious person(s)


Finding a way to use severe words that are filtered, or that should be.


Severity 1


Severity 2

General Harassment


Continued unwanted behavior towards someone after being told to stop.


Severity 2

Abusive Behavior


Being excessively rude / abusive towards another person. Including using race, etc to insult others.

Severity 2

Death Wishes // Suicide Encouragement

Wishing that someone dies / telling someone to die in real life.

Severity 3

Malicious Threats

(DDOS, Hacking, Death, etc.)


Making any type of serious threat towards someone.

Severity 3

*First Time

Severity 4

*After the first


Discrimination / Racism / Bigotry

Discriminating towards a group such as: religion, sex, sexuality, nationality, etc.


Severity 3

*First Time

Severity 4

*After the first



Revealing Personal Information (Doxxing)


Giving out information that can identify someone in real life.


Severity 4




Advertising in a way where intent to do so is minimal. Can consist of(but not all examples of): 


  • Server recruitment by name
  • Twitch / Mixer / Kick / YouTube streams that aren’t streaming Solara content


Advertising in a way where intent to do so is present. Can consist of(but not all examples of):


  • Being abusive towards Solara while recruiting by server name
  • Posting a server IP / URL / Discord Invite Link *(Not punishable in Party or /msg IF all players agree to being sent the invite)


Advertising in a way where intent to do so is excessive. Can consist of(but not all examples of):


  • Being abusive towards Solara while recruiting with an IP / URL
  • Spamming a server IP / URL



Severity 1


Severity 3


Severity 4

Unclarified Link

Links not approved, but not harmful. Includes links to social media.

Severity 1

Unapproved Link


A link is deemed unapproved or majorly inappropriate by staff. These types of links are unapproved:

  • Link has inappropriate content such as pornography, drug related content, or other content not suitable for children.
  • It is a link that is on the unapproved list. (determined by the RC team as malicious/harmful websites, which are anything that can be considered illegal, etc.)
  • It is an approved link that has inappropriate content such as a nude image on imgur.
  • (In general) discussing any unapproved link, may still fall under this rule.


Severity 4

Scamming / Unapproved Transactions

Scamming: Trying to compromise an account, or make real life currency transactions with someone.

Unapproved Transaction: Trying to trade / sell / buy items with / from / for someone, that are NOT in the Solara Shop.


Severity 4

*You will be warned first for Unapproved Transactions if the staff member feels that there is no malicious intent.


Permanent Admin Issued Mute

This is a punishment that the admin team will consider for ongoing extreme cases of toxicity / multiple punishments in game.

Usually the punishment reason will be  “Community Disruption”.


Severity 4


Gameplay Offences


For all Severity 1 Gameplay Offences (unless otherwise specified), staff will use judgement on whether or not you intended to break the rules. If it looks like you did not mean to/didn’t know about the rule then you will be issued a verbal and paper warning. If you have a previous warning or punishment for the same offence when they go to give you a paper warning, you will be banned for a Severity 1 Gameplay Offence instead. If it looks like you were intentionally trying to break the rules, you will be banned for a Severity 1 Gameplay Offence instantly, without warning.


For all Severity 4 Gameplay Offences no warning is to be given. You will be instantly banned if you break a Severity 4 Gameplay Offence.




Inappropriate Gameplay



Writing, Building, or otherwise creating inappropriate content, including naming cosmetics.

*Repeated instances may result in a permanent ban.


Severity 1

Severity 4


Map Exploiting

*Leniency in Private - If you are testing something in a whitelisted/otherwise private games, you should never be punished. If it’s in a more public / general game and you are abusing these to be unfair to others during general gameplay, you may still be warned/punished.



Abusing the way the map was designed to give yourself an unfair advantage over other players



Severity 1

Bug Exploiting

*Leniency in Private- If you are testing something in a whitelisted/otherwise private games, you should never be punished. If it’s in a more public / general game and you are abusing these to be unfair to others during general gameplay, you may still be warned/punished.

Intentionally abusing a bug or a glitch on the server or in a game that gives you an unfair advantage, or ruins gameplay for other players.



Severity 1

Prolonged Evasion Tactics


Corner camping is also punishable

Camping: Staying in one spot, such as high ground or hidden areas, for extended periods to avoid combat.

Excessive Running: Continuously running away without any attempt to engage in the fight or strategize effectively.

Severity 1

*After a warning

Purposely freezing Minecraft

Purposely freezing your game to refrain from dying or getting stats affected.

Severity 1

Teaming / Cross-Teaming

*Not Punishable in Private

*Only applies to mini games and Fireball Royale — Teams of two are allowed in Survival Games except in deathmatch

Teaming: Forming a team with another player (or players) that may consist of: not fighting each other, working together, fighting people together, etc. 

*Only punishable in “solo” game modes.


Cross-Teaming: Creating a team in a game that has more than 2 teams, at any time.

Example: SkyWars


Severity 1

Bypassing Ban / Mute

Using an alternate account to bypass a mute/ban by arguing against the punishment.

Severity 1


Severity 4 

*Instant Perm Mute/Ban after first evasion punishment

Stat Boosting / Elo Boosting

*Punishable by Manager only


Boosting account stats including exp, coins, etc through unfair or unintended means. 

Including but not limited to:

Anti AFK

Utilizing Alternate Accounts


Account Stat Wipe for the last month
*Case by case

And a ban that is either:


Severity 1

*Custom Length, First Time


Severity 4

*After the first


Alting or Account Sharing in ranked gamemodes and competitive

*Ranked Skywars & Practice Only — Allowed if both accounts remain under top 20

In ranked gameplay, players are allowed to use alternate accounts (alts) or share accounts only if both accounts remain outside the top 20 on the leaderboard. This ensures fair competition and prevents abuse of the ranking system.

Alting: Creating or using multiple accounts to participate in ranked gameplay.

Account Sharing: Allowing another player to use your account for ranked matches.


*If either account enters the top 20, further use of alts or account sharing will result in penalties, including potential disqualification or bans.

Severity 1

*Custom Length, First Time

*Competitive Ban as well



Using any form of automated programs / scripts on one or more account(s).


Severity 4

Inappropriate Username / Skin / Cape / Cosmetics 

*Names punishable by Admins only


A username containing any of the following, including but not limiting to;

Filter Bypass,
Racism, Drug use, etc.

*Not all filtered words make a name inappropriate and not all inappropriate names are filtered.


A player skin, cape or any other cosmetics from mods containing any of the following, including but not limited to;

Sexual Content,
Terrorism(Osama Bin Laden), etc


Severity 4

Compromised Account / Bot Spam

When your account is compromised to be used to spam the server or other malicious activity, we permanently ban it to prevent a stacking of other unneeded punishments.


Severity 4

Joining the private / development testing servers

*Punishable by Admins+, Devs, QA only


If you are playing on Solara normally, through our normal IPs:

You have no need to worry as that is our Public server and you are more than welcome to come and play on that!



Using any IPs that connect to any of our private / development testing servers without having been invited to it by an Admin+, or Dev.

Invites are only valid for the specified duration given to you, if you join later on after that duration, you will be banned.


Severity 4


Anti-Cheat Punishments [THOR]

The Anti-Cheat [THOR] will first ban you for a period of time (30 days), and the punishment time will increase on later offences.

Hitting the Anti-Cheat entity intentionally will get you punished and does not count as a false punishment. Don’t exploit bugs.
Drag clicking, butterfly clicking, double clicking, or any other methods of clicking that may allow you to click faster than normal are use at your own risk. If you are banned by Thor or an AC Staff member for this, it is not a false ban.

You can appeal anti-cheat bans you believe to be incorrect or unwarranted, or would like a second chance for at


Client Offences

*That are issued by Staff members.

For all Hacking Offences, regardless of severity, no warning is to be given.


If you notice a Self-Report of someone using Unapproved Mods or Clients, you are free to create a report providing the evidence of the Self-Report and the place it is originally located in your report.


Unapproved Mods


Using a mod that is unapproved for use on Solara, or any Macro that affects gameplay.


The full list of approved mods can be found at the bottom of this thread! All mods not on the list are automatically unapproved unless they don’t alter gameplay, however they are use at your own risk.


*If you have a question about whether or not a mod that’s not listed is allowed, message a staff member!


Severity 1

General Hacking


Using any form of general (Non Movement related) hacks.

Severity 2

Movement Hacking


Using any form of hacks that are related to movement which can completely ruin gameplay.

Severity 3


Network Ban / Blacklists


For Network Ban-worthy rule breaking specifically no warning is given and you are instantly permanently banned from all platforms. In most cases however there will be precedents of things you’ve done before that will eventually add up and result in your punishment.

Network Ban


Forceful removal from the network (In-game, Discord, Forums, etc) due to heavy toxicity / malicious IP activity, or other reasons decided by the Admin+ team.


Severity 4


Approved Client Mods

*Please remember that use of mods not on this list may result in a punishment.


If, somehow, any of these mods can be used maliciously (which is typically not the case, and may result from something such as an update to the mod which has not been reviewed by RC) their use for these purposes is not considered approved. Any mod not listed but that does not have an unfair advantage are generally fine to use, however they are always use at your own risk.


  • 5zig version 3.3.6+
  • LunarClient
  • CheatBreaker
  • Labymod version 2.6+ & Labymod Toggle Sprint/Sneak (Using toggle sneak while opening chests, furnaces, etc. WILL result in a punishment as it gives an unfair advantage. The custom hitbox addon will result in a punishment as well. While both mods are considered approved, we’ve heard complaints of it sending out information to the Labymod server, so use at your own risk)
  • Badlion Client
  • Optifine
  • Too Many Items
  • Shaders Mods
  • Capes Mods
  • Better Animations/Player Animations Mod
  • Blocks3D Mod
  • Not Enough Items
  • Better Sprint Mod
  • InGame info mod
  • bspkr's Armor, Direction and Status effect HUDs
  • UHC Essentials
  • Joystick mod (or other controller/gamepad mods)
  • Pop Enchant Tags
  • Replay Mod 
  • Gamma/Brightness mods (in which the only feature is gamma/brightness)
  • Any mods which have no effect to gameplay such as Pixelmon or Auto-Respawn, etc.